Summer Camp Registration Starts March 18th @ 1:00pm... Click on the camp menu for more details March Break... No Recreational Classes March 8th to the 15th... We hope you have a great holiday!

Senior Kinder

Mon @ 4:45pm
Ages 4 - 6
1 Hour

SKU: G-SrKin-1-Mo1645

This is an independent class that fosters fun and skill development in a positive and encouraging atmosphere. Children will learn basic as well as more complex movement patterns and skills, chosen to match their age and ability. Participants will complete weekly circuits designed to focus on a particular movement pattern or a fun theme.

This is a structured, coach-led class; no previous gymnastics experience is required.

This program allows each athlete to progress through the Kindergym MOMENTUM Level System at his or her own pace.

EPIC is now operating on a continuous Monthly Subscription basis for all classes. This approach allows subscribing members to remain part of a class for as long as they want. No more missing out at the next registration!  Accordingly, new students joining a class receive this same benefit.

Our regular class schedule and Monthly Subscription payments are paused during July and August. All active subscriptions at the end of June will automatically roll over into September – securing the class for the Fall.

To support this approach, EPIC is using an automated Enrollment System with a Waitlist Registry.  The system manages class subscriptions as well as alerting new and existing members of class openings as they happen.

Some important points: Everyone joins a class via the Waitlist Registry.  This does not necessarily mean there are no spots currently available.  Also, we use this Registry to gauge the demand so we can potentially create new classes as required.

To let us know you’re interested in the class you’ve selected here, simply fill in the student’s name and your phone # below, then click Join Waitlist.  When an opening is available you will be notified automatically by email.

Note: To join a waitlist you must first log in to your account.  Click on My Account in the main menu.

Our pricing is simple with equal billing per month.  The only cost for a class is the listed monthly subscription fee.  EPIC does not have an extra membership enrollment fee.  The subscription fee is different for each day of the week to take into account the classes missed – due to yearly holidays – in the overall price.

Please Note: EPIC operates ‘One Month Ahead’ for class payments; it’s similar to first and last month’s rent.  So, when you join a class, you will pay for two months initially.  After this, we send a single invoice at the start of each month – and that’s it.  When you’re finally ready to take a break, you can relax because your last month of classes has already been paid.

The only other possible costs for members are for incidental extras; for example, costumes for a dance recital or optional testing days.

Members can select manual or automatic payments for the on-going monthly billing and this can be changed at any time.

Manual Payment Method: Members receive a reminder email the day an invoice is created.  It includes a Pay for this order link to go directly to our checkout page.  Payment can then be made by e-transfer (to [email protected]), in-person at EPIC (cash, debit, or credit card), or online (by credit card). We cannot accept payments over the phone.

Automatic Payment Method: Members receive a reminder email when their credit card is charged on the payment due date (from the 1st to the 5th).

All monthly subscriptions are synchronized to the start of each new month. The invoice for the subscription is automatically created on the 25th or later during the preceding month and members will find it on the My Account page under Orders.

Members can cancel a class subscription at any time.

When a student is enrolled in a class, EPIC will register them with Gymnastics Ontario, as required, and also pay for insurance coverage.

The subscription fee must be paid in full at the beginning of each month. If unpaid, the subscription state changes from ‘Active’ to ‘Overdue’ and then after 10 days changes to ‘Suspended’. If a subscription remains ‘Suspended’ by the 15th of the current month – the subscription state automatically switches to ‘Cancelled’.

Once cancelled, the student can still finish the remaining classes in the current month, but the subscription cannot be renewed. The class opening, now available in the next month, is automatically offered to other members beginning immediately after the 15th.

As we hope you already know – we care about our students.  If there are extenuating circumstances regarding a late subscription payment please speak to us, to review the situation, well before the 15th of the month to avoid cancellation.

We reserve the right to change a monthly subscription fee at any time; however, this will typically be done September 1st as necessary.

Our new continuous monthly subscription system is designed to make it easier for our members to come and go as they wish, no longer requiring deposits, large sums upfront, or locking you into multiple months of classes at a time.

To support this flexibility, EPIC has a no refunds policy. This means the monthly subscription fee is non-refundable once a class has been booked for the month.

If EPIC intentionally cancels a class (for example, a coach is sick or unavailable) then a credit will be given and subtracted from the next month’s subscription cost.  

If a class is missed because it falls on a regular holiday no credit is given.  All holidays have already been factored into the overall monthly subscription price for a given day of the week (that is why rates vary for different class times).

If a class is cancelled for reasons beyond EPIC’s control (for example, things such as bad weather or power failures) then no credit will be given.  Unfortunately, due to strict student/teacher ratios, in most cases we cannot provide makeup classes.

$71 per month

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